Struggling with High-Poly Models in SketchUp?
Skimp your SketchUp model using ultra-fast import and polygon simplification tools.

Simplify any Object in your SketchUp Model
Let’s face it…SketchUp was not built to handle millions of polygons. Use Skimp to reduce the amount of faces in your model while maintaining the visual appearance.

Import and Optimise FBX, OBJ, STL, 3DS, PLY
Skimp is an EXTREMELY FAST importer! But it’s not the speed that makes our import features so powerful. Skimp gives you the ability to actually preview the model and simplify the model BEFORE importing!

Replace Textures with Skimp Tools
Have you ever imported a model into SketchUp only to find that all of the textures are missing? Skimp includes tools for easily replacing the textures of your model’s materials while maintain the position (UVs)

Working with heavy, bloated, models has sucked the soul from many a SketchUp user. We’ve been there too…trying to import a million poly OBJ and waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. Finally! Import complete! But…no textures! Wrong scale! Wrong orientation! And worst of all…my model is now 500 MB and I can barely orbit! Sound familiar?
"As an interior designer and interior design visualiser, I import a lot of "heavy" furniture models from the 3D Warehouse to fill a model of a house or apartment. I need to choose furniture based on style and often nicely styled furniture models have a lot of polygons. My computer is 8 years old and sometimes my models get so slow they are unusable. Skimp helps to keep my model size down and my models usable.I also appreciate that Skimp is intuitive and that there is a simple user interface. It is actually enjoyable to use. I need to work quickly and the simplicity of the user interface helps! Thank you for this useful plugin."
Sue Millar - Interior Designer
Skimp can put SketchUp on a good weight loss model went from 27.5 MB to 598 KB
Joseph K.