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NDT - Surface & Pipeline Inspection

When pipeline operators look for an NDT service company, technology and quality of non-destructive testing services are key. In particular NDT technologies must help technicians perform inspections efficiently, without compromising on accuracy and highly reliable results.

Creaform has the most trusted NDT 3D scanning technology solutions for corrosion, denting (mechanical damage), and wrinkle analyses. Thanks to its 3D scanner bundle with Pipecheck software, service companies and pipeline operators can stick to planned budgets and timelines – all while ensuring pipeline integrity and public safety.

This unique 3D scanning technology and innovative software solution goes beyond standards and active regulations, offering fast field deployment, user-independent results, versatile geometry analysis, easy reporting, and a complete 3D visualization of internal and external surfaces.

Creaform PipeCheck Inspection Software

corrosion software module


Unlike traditional pit gauges, Pipecheck has the capacity to measure both the internal corrosion (thanks to UT or interior 3D scanning if possible) and external corrosion (with 3D scanning) to get a complete 3D visualization of the damages for more detailed, in-depth analyses.
denting software module

Denting (Mechanical Damage)

Pipecheck provides key pipeline inspection functionalities, such as the automatic detection of the maximum depth, which can be difficult to find with traditional measurement methods, like pit gagues.
wrinkle analysis module

Wrinkle Analysis

Pipecheck’s wrinkle analysis module is programmed to calculate the crest-to-trough depth of the ripple as well as the wavelength, circumferential extent, and diameter restriction—enhancing the quality of pipeline inspection analyses and reporting.

ASME B31G compliant

Evaluate a pipeline’s fitness for service with the Pipecheck corrosion software module for fast, yet reliable, data processing and instant on-site results. Pipecheck’s virtual pit gauge demonstrates increased accuracy and repeatability compared to traditional measurement methods, such as manual pit gauges and single-line lasers.


ASME B31.8 compliant

Analyzes mechanical damage, such as dents, gouges and other localized surface deformations. It is the only software to provide users with an easy one-click access to strain-based assessment—a key element in ensuring the continued safety of the pipe in operation and proper maintenance as per industry safety regulations.


Depth-Based Assessment Type

  • Automatic maximum depth measurement using straight edge technique in both directions
  • 3D and 2D depth colormaps
  • Automatic 3D cross-section creation
  • Depths over diameter ratio
  • Snipping tool for additional reporting information
  • Depths extracted from Creaform’s virtual pit gauge tool
  • Maximum diameter found at 90 degrees of the dent

Strain-Based Assessment Type

  • Automatic maximum strain detection
  • 3D and 2D strain colormap (all strain components)
  • Results for decomposed values: circumferential bending, longitudinal bending, longitudinal extensional, effective strain on inside and outside surface of the pipe as well as maximum effective strain value.


As the standard for portable metrology-grade 3D scanners, the HandySCAN 3D delivers accurate and repeatable results in all work conditions, whether under direct sunlight or in harsh environments. Not only can service companies fully trust HandySCAN 3D’s reliable data but they can also count on its speed to take measurements, deliver results, and complete inspection quickly and efficiently. The HandySCAN 3D is your go-to NDT solution for pipeline inspections. Learn More >>
The Go!SCAN 3D offers the fastest and easiest 3D experience for NDT technicians who perform pipeline inspections for different types of damage, particularly corrosion. The Go!SCAN 3D’s different positioning modes speed up setup times and accelerates field deployment. Thanks to this NDT 3D scanner, the time spent in the ditch is shortened, making it an ideal solution for service companies that want to gain a competitive advantage. Learn More >>

Aircraft Surface 3D Assessment Software

Creaform SmartDent Inspection Solution

Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) companies, aircraft manufacturers and airlines that perform NDT inspections for in-service aircraft maintenance have increasing pressure to complete their assessments in the fastest way possible without sacrificing accuracy. ln fact, the longer an airplane is grounded, the more airlines lose money.

Creaform’s HandySCAN AEROPACK is an easy, fast, and accurate solution for MRO companies. It includes a HandySCAN 3D scanner and SmartDENT 3D, surface inspection software developed specifically for critical aerospace applications. It also comes with other software to address all of your reverse engineering and quality control needs.

damage inspection

Hailstorms Damage Inspection

When an aircraft hits a hailstorm, MRO teams need to rely on a solution that enables them to quickly and accurately measure the impact to speed up repairs—and mitigate the negative ripple effects on future sales. Thanks to its remarkable versatility, operators can use the solution in any conditions inside or outside, without sacrificing accuracy and reliability.

spoiler maintenance

Flap & Spoiler Maintenance

Traditional, manual measurement methods for inspecting flaps and spoilers, such as pit gauges, can bog down productivity. Operators need a modern solution so that they won’t waste time searching the deepest points per dent or scanning a part’s entire geometry.

incident analytics

Aircraft Incidents Analysis

When an aircraft experiences hard landing or other damaging incidents, MRO teams must use a solution that can help them analyze any type of damage on any type of surface or texture. Teams need a solution to perform thorough analyses and any component shape, size or surface finish with confidence.

scheduled maintenance

Regularly Scheduled Maintenance

Operators who are responsible to put the aircraft back into service need a tool to validate if a component is within acceptance criteria after rework is completed. Oftentimes, MRO teams don’t have access to the CAD models of aircraft components, which means reverse engineering components becomes key.

laptop smartdent 3d

SmartDENT 3D is the first dedicated 3D Visualisation Software on the market designed for 3D assessments and characterisation of dent damages located on aircraft surfaces.

Offers a guided workflow approach to simplify the measurement extraction of 3D scan data to get exactly the dimensions required for the assessment of in-service airplanes. 

Greatly reduces operators’ impact on measurements results and shortens the time needed to generate final reports.

Truly portable metrology-grade 3D scanner delivers highly accurate measurement results. Learn More >>


SmartDENT 3D is the first dedicated 3D visualization software on the market designed for 3D assessments and characterization of dent damages located on aircraft surfaces. It offers a guided workflow approach to simplify the measurement extraction of 3D scan data to get exactly the dimensions required for assessment of in-service airplanes.


  • Guided workflow
  • Measures length and width of dent damages, closest neighbours, closest internal structure, maximum depth and maximum depth of dent to closest internal structure, etc.
  • Assesses the ratio of maximum depth on length & width
  • Offers an easy visualization with colormaps for all features
  • Step-by-step process to perfectly bridge the gap between data acquisition and reporting operations
  • Instant, comprehensive reporting


  • Speed: 80 times faster than the pit gauge technique! It’s a fast and reliable airplane surface damage inspection tool to get aircrafts back in service.
  • Flexibility: Versatile software that can be used for corrosion and dents.
  • TRUsimplicity: Easy-to-use software that requires no advanced metrology skills. It enables users to address real applications.
  • TRUaccuracy: The most accurate device regardless of instabilities in the environment or the users’ expertise. It provides reliable, accurate, and repeatable results, which are traceable for future analysis.
  • TRUportability: Portable devices that gives you the opportunity to assess on-site damages.
NDT/Inspection Quote Request

Some of the Companies we work with:

University of Auckland Logo
Creaform 3D Logo
Trimble 3D Logo
The Wharehouse Group Logo
Wintec Logo