Parametric Profiles: Say Good-bye to Follow-Me!
The core of Profile Builder is the ability to create smart extrusions (we call these ‘Profile Members’) using parametric profiles. A profile can be any shape and can even be a polyline.
Create smart mouldings, framing, piping, railings, roofing, walls, and foundations – the possibilities are endless!

Create and Save Custom Profiles
Profiles can be saved to your local library complete with custom name, orientation (anchor point, offsets, rotation), dimensions, material and layer. Create a new Profile simply by drawing a face in your model and adding it as a new Profile. Once you save the profile, you can load it and then re-use it in future projects.

In a recent survey of our customers, 42% said that they use Profile Builder in over 90% of their SketchUp projects and 74% said that they use it in OVER HALF of their SketchUp projects.
In the same survey, over 25% said that Profile Builder could save them over 100 hours of work per year! And 47% said that it could save them over 50 hours per year!

What is your time worth? Would you pay $149 to save 50 hours of work?
Features Include:
- Build and Edit intelligent models of real building materials
- Define and save custom Profiles
- Parametric Assemblies (Combine unlimited profiles and components into a path-based parametric model!)
- Set the height and width of any profile
- Profile and Assembly browser
- Profiles stay upright on helical paths
- Extend / Split Profile Member tool
- Revolve a Profile
- Trimming tools
- Automatic orientation of profile extrusion along any path
- Full control of profile orientation along a path
- Smart-Path select Tool
- NEW – Span Assembly parts for creating incredible assemblies!
- NEW – Hole Tool for creating parametric holes and openings!
- NEW – Auto-assemble feature creates instant assemblies with one click!
- NEW – Set the height of an assembly