Enscape version 3.3 is out now!
Enscape’s latest release will help architects and designers improve their design workflow even further and create even more impressive real-time visualisations and immersive experiences. New features allow users to import building surroundings into renderings, improve visualisations of glass and water surfaces, add new educational assets and materials into scenes, and more.
Experience more vivid visualisations with Enscape 3.3
NEW Site Context
By utilising OpenStreetMap data, you can now import a project’s surroundings into your renderings without the need for a third-party tool. Simply open Site Context, enter an address or coordinates, and select your choice of import: Buildings and Landmarks; Streets and Sidewalks; Topography, or import all surroundings.
The imported geometry and modeling topology will not include textures, keeping your project at the forefront of your visualisations while providing all-important site context. The surrounding geometry is only visible in Enscape, keeping your project file light and focused on the most relevant project data.

NEW Transparent Materials in Reflections
As the name reveals, transparent materials will now appear in your reflections if you are using a graphics card that supports hardware-accelerated ray tracing (NVIDIA RTX series and AMD RX6xxx series).
NEW Education Assets and Materials
Select from 280 new education-themed assets, including classroom furniture, chalkboards and whiteboards, toys, playground equipment, and musical instruments. And choose from over 30 new materials to place into your education scenes. The asset package will also include a large collection of new 3D people.

NEW Alpha Channel Export
NEW Pin Enscape on Top
To activate this, go to Enscape Window Settings > Preferences > Window > Pin Enscape

NEW Material Overwrite
What else is new with Enscape 3.3?
SketchUp 2022 Compatibility
Upload Migrations

Japanese Language Support
Enscape Subscription License
– Annual subscription license
– Free locally based NZ support
– Unlimited access to all future releases & updates